Florists in Canada

Flower delivery companies in Canada

Canada is the second biggest country on earth, just after Russia. Its immensity is difficult to grasp for mere mortals. However, it is a highly developed and functional country, that provides amenities you can expect to see in any North American city. The amazing fact about Canada is that even up North, in regions and territories you wouldn't expect anybody to be living, let alone conducting business, there is a lot of activity going on. As far up North as Alert, a settlement on Ellesmere Island, in the territory of Nunavut, there are people residing year-round

This project will try to locate florists in Canada that are operating from unlikely latitudes. Why florists? Well, I thought it would be fitting for a country reputed so cold, and hence so adverse to the cultivation and sale of flowers, to be able to have such a flourishing flower delivery business. Indeed, that particular segment of Canada's economic has seen double-digit growth in the past 10 years. This map is part of a wider project but will play a central role in identifying, listing and understanding this economic phenomenon.

We apologize for the delay between updates, as it may take a while from the data from our researchers to appear on the map. But please check back soon and we will be providing a lot of updates on our Canadian florists!

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